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Getting Started


This is alpha-stage software. There will be dragons. If you are planning to play with this, feel free to reach out in the #builders-lounge on our Discord server for help, feedback, and to report bugs.



Installing prerequisites

Follow the steps from the foundry book to install the Foundry toolsuite, which contains the forge, cast, anvil and chisel tools.

Adding BOB contracts as dependency

To add the contracts to your own projects, if your project is using forge, you can simply run forge install bob-collective/bob to add BOB contracts as a dependency to your project.

Build the code

To build all the contracts, run forge build.

Run the tests

To run the built-in tests, run forge test.


The repository contains various code samples in the src/swap folder. To deploy a contract like the bitcoin marketplace swap example, run forge create src/swap/Btc_Marketplace.sol:BtcMarketPlace --rpc-url '' --private-key "your private key here" --chain 901 --verify --verifier blockscout --verifier-url ''.

You can then interact with the contract using through the normal means, e.g. via cast: cast send 0x0b7bb3e86b620b06e8cdc0e72e142b0bff8c3804 "placeBtcSellOrder(uint,address,uint)" --rpc-url "" --private-key "your private key here" 1 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 1

You will be able to see your contract deployed using the explorer. Interacting with the contract via the explorer is currently not possible due to a deployment bug in conduit.